Dietmar MührCo-Founder | Partner

If everything seems under control, you‘re not going fast enough.
Mario Andretti, race driver of the 60/70ies

Which brand describes you and why?
spotify. Music is my life elixir and connects me with my time.

How do you get to work?
From 16km distance, "multimodal" with one of my cars, subway or road bike, depending on your mood.

How do you prefer to spend your break?
Since I do not have breakfast, I am always looking forward to my first meal at one o'clock.

Who has the coolest Instagram account?
My own Insta account @historicracing is of course the coolest :)

Here you can print your print media:
I love my e-reader, especially on sleepless nights.

Your source of inspiration?
I think Matthew B. Crawford and Richard Sennett have really inspired me. The philosopher Crawford states that manual labor gives him more satisfaction than an office job and founds a motorcycle repair shop. With "The Craftsman" Senett delivers the superstructure for the dissolution of the separation of practice and theory.

Your favorite object on your desk?
My ideal is the empty desk, but I rarely achieve that ...

Dietmar Mühr
Qualified designer

DietmarMühr是柏林PLEX GmbH的共同创始人兼执行合伙人。

  • 1957年生于威斯特伐利亚/德国。
  • 在柏林艺术大学与LudwigThürmer教授一起研究视觉传达和展览设计。
  • 1986年获得大学学位,并被任命为艺术大学的硕士班学生。
  • 1987-90年助理教授。
  • 1990年与Bruno Bakalovic,Dominika Hasse和OliverMühr成立PLEX GmbH。
  • 2003-2005在 berlinbrandenburg的董事会成员。
  • 自2003年以来,他一直担任柏林国际设计中心(IDZ)的主席和董事会成员。


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