Hasso Plattner Institute

Branding & Architecture

One brand design on all channels

For the renowned Hasso Platter Institute in Potsdam, PLEXGROUP has been the lead agency for the brand design across the multitude of media and touchpoints since 2006.

The collaboration began with a rebranding of HPI across the board: from logo to typography, colors, stationery, website, car branding, trade show booth, and graduation certificates for students, the new branding was intended, conceptualized, and designed digitally, in print, and in physical space from the very beginning.


Framing a campus through spatial branding

As the number of programs grew rapidly, so did the Hasso Plattner Institute's campus. To make the building structure easy to navigate, PLEXGROUP developed a guidance system and a building branding. Inside the building, too, the HPI brand became part of the spatial experience for students, employees and visitors through interior branding.
The special feature: both modern new buildings and listed historic buildings are part of the campus. We responded to this and developed a building branding system that meets both requirements.
We also conceived, designed and implemented the so-called "Wall of Fame", on which the graduated of the Bachelor's and Master's programs are inscribed and honored every year. 

A brand on the rise

As the Center of Excellence grew in success, new projects and initiatives developed that needed to be integrated into the brand. PLEXGROUP developed a logo system that enables a consistent brand architecture. Particularly due to the diversity of content, it is important to maintain a strong and stringent brand that remains recognizable through relevant guidelines and that at the same time offers the freedom for development. HPI shows how versatile a brand can be by constantly evolving with new ideas.
PLEXGROUP developed logos for projects and initiatives such as the School of Design Thinking, the Potsdam Security Conference, the online university mooc house, the DHC Digital Health Cluster or the HPI Academy.

Our services
Brand strategy, brand design, interior branding, building branding, guidance system, media production, website development and more.